DiagnostX by LocusUSA


How Does
DiagnostX Work?

DiagnostX is a unique, patented solution that uses advanced hardware
and software to measure radio alignment and performance over-the-air
in real-time, without user input, while radios are in use.

Watch the video to see how DiagnostX works and the benefits it
offers your organization.

View the Urgent Communication article about DiagnostX

What does radio Diagnostx do?

  • Monitors and measures all active radios on a network Over-the-Air in real-time without user intervention
  • Proactively helps you manage all of your radios in your network
  • Multiple receivers may be networked to provide system-wide coverage
  • It is efficient. Saves time and money
  • Improves personnel’s safety by ensuring all emergency responders can hear and be heard
  • Eliminates the need to bring ALL your radios to the shop for testing and service

How does it improve customer service?

  • Proactively prioritize the scheduling of radio maintenance
  • Helps ensure clear communication and easy maintenance
  • Improves user confidence that their radios will work properly

what are the
cost savings?

  • Most radios don’t need repair. Empirical studies show that approximately 80% of radios brought in for preventive maintenance are found to be no-trouble-found (NTF)
  • With fewer radios to service, technicians can be more productive
  • With DiagnostX only problem radios are brought in for service while properly aligned radios and First Responders stay out in the field where they are needed most
  • It effectively eliminates the need to schedule annual maintenance on every radio

DiagnostX Benefits

  • Identifies if communication issues are with subscriber radios or the network
  • Evaluates all radios continuously, 24/7/365, without user intervention
  • Detects both problem and properly functioning radios
  • Provides real-time detailed reports for each radio
  • Allows management to proactively schedule service with agencies or individuals
  • Reduces radio service schedules by up to 80%
  • Cuts costs by 50% or more, based on a 30% failure rate
  • Frees technicians to address critical system issues
  • Keeps functional radios and personnel in the field
  • Reduces after-hours call outs
  • Helps managers evaluate and improve operations
  • Measures communication quality across departments, agencies, or groups
  • Non-intrusive, long-range operation (5+ mile radius for 3W portables)
  • Generates inter-departmental reports
  • Provides data for planning and budgeting 
  • Real-time reports ensure radios are operationally ready
  • Verifies FCC narrowband performance

DiagnostX Products